Everyone Starts Like Klinger

In an episode of M*A*S*H, Radar, a radio operator at a mobile hospital during the Korean War, finally gets to go home to the US. Klinger, his replacement, has a terrible time trying to learn his new job on the fly. Members of the camp spend much of the episode giving him a hard time for not being as quick on his feet as Radar. It's not until later that they cut him some slack. While Radar was good at his job then, they recognized that he also started like Klinger.

I always thought that was an important thing to remember. You may feel disheartened when you don't have the same skill level as someone who's been at it for years. You might be trying to fill the shoes of someone with decades of experience and don't know if you can. Whatever the circumstance, remember that at some point in their life, they, too, started like Klinger.

Everyone starts like Klinger.