Practical Superpowers: Line-of-sight Teleportation

Comic books and superhero movies have shown us much in the way of traditional superpowers like flight, super speed, and super strength. But what about superpowers with purposeful constraints? Powers that impart no meaningful value in and of themselves, or ones that do but with limits or side effects. Over the years, I have created a few of my own.

One such power is line-of-sight teleportation. Unlike traditional teleportation, where you appear wherever you want, you must see in real life the place to which you are teleporting (no photographs). The end of the street. Your living room through the window of your house. The tree way off on the horizon. If you can see it, you can teleport there.

Sometimes, when walking, I will take a purposeful blink and imagine I've moved to the end of the street. Or wonder how many jumps it would take to complete my work commute during the windy winter months. Or imagine teleporting down the highway on the way to see a friend, confusing drivers as I appear and disappear.

(Note: I am working on the assumption that things you are wearing or things you are holding come with you when you teleport. But don't think too hard about the actual logistics of the power. Imagine the idea at its simplest.)

How would you use line-of-sight teleportation powers?